If you are looking at starting a business in Thailand then speak to any of our solicitors in Bangkok or at any of our branches in Thailand. Be it a BOI company, company registration, work permit applications or any other legal issue that you might have or need an answer to – call us now.
Thailand Board of Investment
If you set up a business as a foreigner in Thailand, you need to register it. The following information will give you the specifics of how a Board of Investment (BOI) application and registration are filed. What is the Board of Investment? The BOI law is a policy that came into effect in 1954 when the Thai government announced its […]
Business Banking Secure
The very first question that most expats and new businessmen ask when they arrive in Thailand is how secure is the banking system. Back in the US you have the FDIC which underwrites the deposits.
Visa Changes for Businesses
Now that you have bought your business in Thailand you need to look at the issue of work permits and visa extensions in the Kingdom. This is a brief breakdown of the last changes made to employment of foreigners.
Buying a Bar in Thailand
Almost every expat in Thailand started with the idea of buying a business in Thailand. So many buy running businesses such as restaurants and bars. This is where it becomes complicated as can be seen!